What is a Relentless Reader?
What is RelentlessReader? Aside from a domain name that happened to be available for cheap?
A lot of people pretend to read. Some people read. And some people just. Can’t. Stop. Reading.
Maybe I’m old at this point, but when I was in junior high school and found the internet, one of the first things I did was download a book. I think it was something like “1001 ways to learn faster” or “Learn a language in 15 minutes” or something.
In reality, it was probably ended up being a virus.
But I was hooked, man. I started downloading novels, textbooks, university courses, debate videos. It probably wasn’t all totally legal (and I would never recommend anyone get anything from nefarious sources) but resources were limited and I couldn’t help myself.
I know better now, and paying artists for the time is one of the best uses of your money in my opinion (I’ll forego a bag of ketchup chips if it lets me learn about quantum physics or hear an original horror story).
But that doesn’t mean I don’t like a good deal. And it doesn’t mean I don’t want to maximise my learning budget.
It turns out that expensive, high-quality books and courses are constantly going on sale and I wanted a way to fill my bookshelf for less money. I found a way to programmatically find the interesting, quality audiobooks that are on sale for free or very, very cheap. Ever since then I’ve been able to listen to as many books as I want for a couple of bucks a week (at most).
Eventually, it occurred to me that other people are out there looking for this exact thing.
So I made relentlessreader.com. We dig (well mostly the robots do the digging) and we sort out the free and cheap audiobooks, and then we then we buy the best books we can find.
If you’re like us, and are relentless in your pursuit of books, of knowledge, of entertainment, relentlessreader.com is potentially exactly what you’re looking for.
Subscribe to our newsletter, send us messages, ask questions, download free and cheap audiobooks.
Grow. Be better. Be happy. Be relentless.
Let me know if you have any questions.